Announcing the first iPad App from Accelerations Educational Software!

Announcing the first iPad App from Accelerations Educational Software!

AES - Activity App Shoe Tying Video Modeling

“Activity App Shoe Tying 1” is based on the Activity Trainer but for a single activity. So far it is available for the iPad (English only) and we will release it for the android tablets.

You can find it on the Apple App Store by searching for “activity app shoe tying”. You can also see more information about our first app at

If you have children or students that are not yet tying their shoes, you will want our shoe tying app!

This app combines systematic teaching and video modeling into a practical teaching environment simple enough for parents and others not highly trained in these methods. This app is an educational power tool that anyone can use!

We are targeting typical and special needs so if it really hits it could create the revenue to support significantly more development. We have a range of planned apps including players for the full DT Trainer & Activity Trainer programs.

Our shoe tying app should allow you to teach a child or student earlier and with less effort and frustration, or in many cases even teach individuals that had previously not been able to learn to tie their shoes. Learning to tie shoes creates more independence, confidence, and skills that cross over into other daily living and vocational areas.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this information to other teachers and parents that have students or children that are not yet tying their shoes.

Karl Smith
Accelerations Educational Software |
Phone: 803-403-1336
Fax: 803-403-1337
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