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Troubleshooting – DT Trainer – Deep Freeze

Installing the DT Trainer on a system with Deep Freeze

The DT Trainer can be used on a computer with DeepFreeze; however, a few locations on the computer will need to be permanently unfrozen in order for the software to run properly.

  • First, the DT Trainer installation folder will need to be permanently unfrozen (this is “C:\Program Files\DT Trainer” by default on a 32-bit system, and “C:\Program Files (x86)\DT Trainer” on a 64-bit system). Unfreezing this folder will ensure that student profiles and training data are saved, and that updates (patches and new content) can be installed.
  • Second, the DT Trainer creates a “DTT Students” folder on the root of the partition where the DT Trainer is installed. So, for example, if you install the DT Trainer to its default location, this path would be “C:\DTT Students”. This folder needs to be permanently unfrozen in order for student training shortcuts to be created.
  • Third, the DT Trainer’s registry key will need to be permanently unfrozen. This key is located at “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Accelerations Educational Software” on a 32-bit system, and “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Accelerations Educational Software” on a 64-bit system. This key and its subkeys should be unfrozen to ensure the program’s license can be updated as needed.

You will need to thaw the system while installing the DT Trainer. Additionally, you will need to run the installation with administrative privileges. Then, after installation has successfully completed, permanently unfreeze the above locations. We recommend that you also register the installation and install any available updates at this time. You can then safely resume normal operation of DeepFreeze.

With the above locations permanently unfrozen, the DT Trainer can be used and updated when the computer is in the frozen state.