DT Trainer / Activity Trainer EOY Special and New Release
Upgrading our Phone System and Changing Providers
- We are transitioning our phone and fax systems! To phone or fax, please use the following numbers for now: Phone: 803-403-1336 FAX: 803-403-1337
End of School Year Specials through June 30th! Contact us for details!
- Phone: 803-403-1336
- Email: Sales@dttrainer.com
New DT Trainer Release:
We have just released the latest version of the DT Trainer. There is a major new feature as well as other improvements.
- We have completed the Report Emailer feature in the DT Trainer. On most reports in the DT Trainer there is now an “Email” button. With a click, create a PDF file of the viewed report and open the Report Emailer dialog. If the recipient(s) have already been set, simply click the Send button. Recipients can easily be added and will be remembered for use in the future. The recipient list has check boxes, making it easy to select some recipients to email and not others. These selections are also remembered. The subject and message are automatically generated and editable if you want to add anything. This feature makes it very easy to send in class and student level reports to interested parties like supervisors and educational team members. There is hover help over controls and data fields, messages to guide you, and a “Web Help” button to bring up additional information from our website.
- We have changed the week selection method for weekly reports to make it more efficient to navigate between weeks. Instead of a drop down menu of the weeks, there is a list now to the left of the report so changing the viewed week is a single click.
- We have made various other changes for report readability that will make it easier to zero in on the critical information.
- This release is the start of a series of improvements to make training information more accessible and provide a range of reports to meet the needs of different types and levels of users.
Here are the upcoming Training Webinars. Please forward to others as appropriate. If another time, day of week, or date would better accommodate your needs, please let us know. We can also schedule a training webinar for your in-service or other staff training. Look online for future training dates.
*** All times are Eastern Time Zone ***
- Tue 5/12 3:00 PM DT Trainer (1.5 Hours)
- Wed 5/20 3:00 PM Video Modeling & Activity Trainer (1.5 Hours)
The training is by Karl Smith, creator of the DT Trainer & Activity Trainer, founder of Accelerations Educational Software, and parent of a child with autism. Receive a Certificate of Completion & Continuing Education Clock Hours.
Registration Instructions: AES webinars require registration prior to the scheduled start time. Please do the following to sign up:
- Click the following link to visit the training page: www.dttrainer.com/training.
- Click on "Web Based Training".
- Select the "Weekly" or "Monthly" tab if you need to view future webinars.
- Once you have found the webinar you wish to attend, click the "Register" link to the right of the webinar’s name.
- Enter your information into the fields provided, and then click "Register Now".
- You should receive a confirmation email with instructions on joining the session.
- The sessions usually open about 15 minutes early. Please join before start time.
Schedule a training webinar for your staff, team, or parent group by contacting Karl Smith (ksmith@dttrainer.com or 803.403.1336).
Attend a training webinar! We look forward to seeing you!
Accelerations Educational Software
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