We have created useful documents and links related to the DT Trainer and Activity Trainer to help customers understand and advocate for our products.
We are creating a community of users connected through some of the new social media outlets. You can now “Like us on Facebook” and “Follow us on Twitter”.Thanks for your support!
The AES Mission
With our mission to create effective and affordable educational tools for some of the most difficult to educate individuals, we are now in over 1000 school districts in the US. Our web site is www.dttrainer.com. The company was founded by a parent of a child with autism (founder, article, video). The company moves research to practice addressing fundamental issues and is guided by input from researchers, customers, and our products advisory board (link , pdf).
The DT Trainer and Activity Trainer were created to teach individuals with autism, yet school districts use the products widely beyond autism with up to 33% of students in special education. Both products act as virtual teaching assistants at a very tiny fraction of the cost of a person. With current budget limitations, the products offer a way to improve instructional capability highly leveraging both staff and budget.
Free 30 Day Trials
There are free 30 day trials available for both of our products by download from our website. If you decide to purchase, we have great pricing at about 1/10th to 1/15th typical special education pricing. We offer a number of licensing options including permanent licenses for individual computers, individual students, and district wide site licenses.
Overview and Training Webinars
AES offers free overview and training webinars. You can check out the webinar schedule at www.dttrainer.com/training/webinars. We can also schedule webinars to fit your group’s needs. Just email your request to webinars@dttrainer.com.
DT Trainer
The DT Trainer (DTT) is like having an extra teaching assistant in the classroom. The product incorporates principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) to engage and motivate even some of the most challenging students to educate. Usually, even very low functioning students with autism or other learning disabilities can learn independently on our product with a touchscreen or mouse, but the product can also accommodate up to typically developing young students.
The DTT uses a mouse, touch screen or single or double switch to accommodate a range of students. The targeted development range is 2-9 years old but since we do not baby the student, we have many substantially delayed middle and high school students using the product. There are over 256 content programs released for the DTT and there are 100s of selectable reinforcers.
DT Trainer Links
- Overview
- 30 Day Trial
- Key Features
- Flyer (pdf)
- Justification (pdf)
- Customer Feedback
- Reviews & Articles
- Supporting Research
- Content
- Reinforcers
DT Trainer Español
We also have a Spanish version: DT Trainer Español. This version has 120+ content programs in the developmental range 2-6 years old. The administration is in English but the student just sees and hears Spanish. This is a great tool to help Spanish speakers continue to advance academically while they are learning sufficient English to be successful in English only classes.
DT Trainer Español Links
Activity Trainer
The Activity Trainer (AT) teaches skills improving acquisition rates across a wide verity of skills like academic, daily living, social, recreation, communication, and vocational. The Activity Trainer makes Video Modeling (VM) practical. VM has over 20 years of research showing improvements in actuation rates across a wide variety of skills and students.
The improvement can be quite substantial saving significant instructional time or even enabling acquisition where previous teaching methods failed. The AT is the first designed player for video modeling supporting task analysis, sequences, data collection, and organization by student. There are over 300 activities in the product and you also have the ability to create your own.
Activity Trainer Links
- Overview
- Overview Video
- Promo video
- 30 Day Trial
- Key Features
- Flyer (pdf)
- Justification (pdf)
- OAR Endorsement
- Supporting Research
- Activity Library
The Activity Trainer and the DT Trainer are large packages already at very reasonable prices. They are designed to be the most that we can do for our kids for the cost!
Power Pack (DTT & AT) – 20% Discount
We also now offer our Power Pack (the DT Trainer and Activity Trainer) and there is a 20% discount if you purchase them together.
Useful Info
- Website: www.dttrainer.com
- Phone: 803-403-1336
- FAX: 803-403-1337
- Sales Email: sales@dttrainer.com
- Support Email: support@dttrainer.com
- Facebook: AES Facebook Page
- Twitter: AES Twitter
Karl Smith & The AES Team
Accelerations Educational Software