Products – DT Trainer – Customer Feedback

We appreciate all the positive feedback that we have had on the DT Trainer! Here are but a few of the comments:

Built-In Data Collection

“The DT Trainer software is definitely a winner!!! I went to the training session this morning at Pharr ES and the software is a perfect complement to our students’ educational needs! Besides allowing access to dozens of various domain area activities (reading, writing, math, cognition, adaptive living) from very beginning levels to approx. 9 year old skill levels, it has an amazing array of built in reinforcement activities that can be used with the DT Trainer activities or alone, for training of cause and effect, tracking skills, mouse use/computer skills, etc. With few exceptions, our students with Moderate/Severe/Profound intellectual abilities as well as our students on the Autism Spectrum should be able to benefit from this software.

One of the nicest features is the built-in DATA COLLECTION which starts from a base-line level and moves forward. It is very teacher/student friendly and nearly all aspects of the program can be individualized for specific students. Another wonderful part of the software is that it can be loaded for a 30 day trial on our teachers’ computers, to see who might actually make use of it with their students. Mr. Smith suggests daily training to develop competency, and I whole-heartedly agree, so teachers who would be willing to use it daily could be the teachers to receive a fully-registered version (just a suggestion).”

-Jessie Moreau, Assistive Technology Department, Monarch School

Grateful Parent

“Thank you for what you have done for our kids.”

-Barbara R., parent

Independent Working Software

“It is the ONLY program that allows COMPLETE independent work from the kids.”

-Julie Zajac, Giant Steps, Illinois

… his face lit up

“I want to write about a student of mine who will not focus during a lesson or with his one-on-one. When he started the DTT his face lit up the first time he saw the reinforcers I choose for him. I knew he would like high stimulation with color. His eyes never leave the screen. He puts his hand on his lap as the reinforcer plays and immediately places his hand back on the mouse to get to work when the reinforcer stops. I was amazed at his focus and continuing on task…. This is a great tool for teachers and children with autism.”

-Cecelia Nagele-Corsanico, Teacher, SPIN, Philadelphia, PA

DT Trainer Blew Me Away

“My first impression of the DT Trainer blew me away. The reinforcers were so impressive that I felt overjoyed. I knew that my students would love them! They would be highly motivated by the fascinated and realistic content. Trains, planes, puzzles and games…. nothing could be more perfect! My excitement must have been obvious for the person showing the DT Trainer to me said “Clearly, you work with these students!

The first time I used the DT Trainer in my classroom, I was left speechless! This child rarely spoke, but when he heard the songs and saw the pictures …language just fell from his mouth. I had to go and get someone to view this child using this program. I was just astonished. He was inquisitive and excited…singing and laughing. I saw more language and more emotion in that one session with the DT Trainer then I had seen all year from this child. He was pleased and willing to use the DT Trainer whenever I put him on it from that point on.

When Karl added the time and money trials to the DT Trainer I felt so relieved. I was having lots of difficulty teaching these concepts to my students. The repetition and highly motivating reinforcers kept my students engaged. The content stuck! The continuous practice was exactly what they needed. I do think that removing the human component from these trials helps my students to succeed… especially since social interaction is so difficult for them.”

-Kim Kulka, Autism Inclusion Coordinator, Cobb County School District, GA

I Love DT Trainer

“I am a special ed teacher of an autistic classroom and I love the computer program called Discrete trial trainer. I have some students in my room with limited verbal ability and computer skills. They are able to use touch screens and use the program independently. It is very easy to use and is different from regular programs because distractions are eliminated from the screen. It is set up to do discrete trial and even sets up prompts for the child. I love it.”

-Adele, Teacher, Gaston School District

Where was DT Trainer 6 Years Ago?

“I love this program. Where in the world were you 6 years ago?!?”

-Jennifer C., parent

DT Trainer – Wonderful Tool

“The DT Trainer is a wonderful tool to use in a classroom for students with autism and mental disabilities. It is almost like having an additional instructional assistant. The students really enjoy using the DT Trainer. It is stimulating and interactive for the students.”

-Cathy Mathias, Coordinator for Elementary Special Education, SC Lexington School District One

… Trained by Lovaas Personnel

“I heard about the completion of your program while I was at my practicum site at Rice Creek Elementary School…I loved it! I have been trained by Lovaas personnel at UCLA and have worked on many home-based programs and I think that this is a great way to get even more hours of ABA a week… Awesome job! Thanks so much!!”

-Elizabeth F. Moore, MAT/ Special Ed. Graduate Student

Best Software Web Have Ever Seen

“This is the best software we have ever seen. Our daughter wouldn’t use a computer, I had purchased every program I could think of and she was not interested. I purchased the DT Trainer and she wants to use it all the time. It is a great program. Very impressive.”

-Kristye L., parent

Designed to Meet Each Child’s Level of Development

“I think that the DT Trainer is one of the best programs that I have seen for teachers and therapists to use in working with children with autism and other learning disabilities. Because the program can be so designed to meet each child’s level of development, it can really target specific concepts and provide that drill and practice with reinforcement until the child exhibits mastery. Children are more excited about working with this program because it is on the computer, too. The reports that can be generated are great sources of data for the teachers to share with parents.”

-Gayle Gilson, Director of Special Education, Lexington School District Two

Individualize and Change the Programs and Reinforcers

“The DT Trainer Program has many good features, but the one that is most valuable to me is the ease with which I can individualize and change the programs and reinforcers. The students look forward to working on the computer, and we are thrilled with the variety of reinforcers they have. When the reinforcers are changed, they love the surprise!”

-Jan Curtis, Teacher, Specialized Preschool Class, Oak Grove Elementary


“Wow! My daughter is 11 years old and for the first time ever she is really learning on a computer! …As a former experimental psychologist, and now as a clinician, am so heartened to see Skinner’s work come to this fruition. Thank you!”

-Leslie P., parent

Benefits All Children in My Class!

“I teach a preschool special education class which includes 3-, 4-, and 5-year old children who have various disabilities. I also integrate the class with regular education children. The DT Trainer has benefited all the children in my class, from the lowest-functioning student to the highest-functioning student. I can build the program for each child based on his/her individual needs and can change that program as their needs change. Other regular education teachers in the school have inquired about the program for their classes. One teacher told me that the only sight words one child ever remembered were the ones he learned using the DT Trainer!”

-Sarah Bailey, Warrenville Elementary

Happy Parent

“I cannot believe how customizable it is. …If it is not perfect, it’s certainly near-perfect, in our eyes.”

-Kim R., parent

Wide Range of Success

“I teach students with a variety of disabilities including autism, trainable and profound mental handicaps. The DT Trainer Program is the first one I have seen that is specifically designed for students with severe learning disabilities. The program allows a wide range of success for my lowest students while providing greater challenges for those more advanced. The variety of programs and reinforcers helps unlock the world of those students that traditional teaching methods do not always reach. Finally! A program catered to our special needs students.”

-Susan Shaw, PMD Teacher, Airport High School

Improved Tremendously

“I have been involved with Karl Smith and the DT Trainer for over 1 year now. My excitement over the trainer has not diminished in any way. I still see children with autism complete tasks on the computer that I have not seen them do in other settings. I work with a child who in addition to autism has severe orthopedic disabilities. We have been working with him for the past year to indicate choices with a mouth stick. Although he would do it occasionally, we were unable to determine if his pointing was intentional or not. For the first time, when [he] was observed on the DT Trainer, it was so obvious to all of us that he definitely was making the correct choices. His attending to task has improved tremendously since working with the DT Trainer. We have been just as pleased with all of the other students.”

-Jane Mann, ABA Therapy Coordinator / Autism Itinerant Teacher, Richland School District

Great Tool for Documenting Work

“I have enjoyed the independence my students have gained working with this program. Also, the variety of levels I am given to apply to the individual students ability has been helpful. I have several students that are involved in the PACT Alternative Assessment. The tracking of each students responses and the documentation has been a great tool for documenting work on the skills from adapted standards. All of these assets have been very helpful and enhanced the progress of m students. I highly recommend this program for students with special needs!”

-Marth C., Teacher, Lexington School District Five

Appreciative Parent

“The DT Trainer is the answer to my prayers!”

-Lisa W., parent

Program is Very Teacher Friendly

“I am a teacher in a self-contained Mentally Disabled classroom. There are 14 students, 3 autistic, 3TMD and 8 EMD ages 6-11. …The program is very teacher friendly allowing the teacher to design for each student an individual learning center. … My students enjoy using the program and I have observed improvement in their academic skills. I use the program to practice skills that have been introduced in the classroom. The computer never hurries the child, shows discouragement, or moves on before the student masters the task. It is consistent, repeats, re-enforces at set intervals, corrects in a non-threatening way and continues to present new information. The students remain interested and attentive to the learning task. I find my students benefit most from a 10-15 {minute] session each day. This is a wonderful way to teach the basic concepts of color, number and letter identification, body parts and their use, identification of common objects, animals, and position of objects. It really provides an “extra” teacher in the classroom allowing for individual instruction both by computer and classroom teacher. … A special feature allows for the student to be called by name. There is always a smile on his/her face when the computer says, “Good job, Billy! Way to go!” … The DT Trainer provides instruction and review of academic skills as identified in the IEP. This is one teaching tool I would be unwilling to give up. It provides individual instruction, easily managed by the teacher and quickly integrated in the daily schedule.”

-Pat Gundler, Pine Grove Elementary